
Seamless Photographic Journey

Otto van den Toorn is an acclaimed beauty and fashion photographer from the Netherlands. Following the success of his award-winning portfolio website launched in 2018, we reimagined his digital presence, transforming it into a dynamic and seamless world of exploration.

Visit website
Otto van den Toorn
  • UI & UX Design
  • Web Development
  • Photography
  • Fashion



The core of the experience was to keep Otto’s photography as the focal point, using the visuals to guide visitors through the journey with minimal distraction from the UI. We aimed to craft a dynamic UI that provided support and contextual information while encouraging exploration, creating a seamless experience that moves beyond traditional web page structures.

model posing in studio
dutch celebrity posing in studio
model posing in studio
model posing in studio
dutch celebrity posing in studio
model posing in studio
(tap for more)


The result is an immersive space where Otto’s breathtaking photography flows seamlessly from one state to the next, replacing the conventional feel of separate pages. Navigation is handled by a single dynamic UI element that not only guides users but also displays relevant information as needed.

model posing in beautiful artistic clothing

A seamless world
of exploration

Visual Discovery

Given Otto’s rich and expansive body of work, we designed a space to inspire exploration and discovery, allowing content to move fluidly from broader views to intricate details. This design gives the impression of moving through a world, rather than simply browsing a conventional website.

models posing beautifully
model posing
model posing outside
models posing indoors
models posing in studio
celebrity posing

Less interface,
more photography

Dynamic UI

A single, dynamic UI element powers the experience, intelligently adapting its appearance based on page content and interactions. It also serves as a display area, offering helpful hints and information to assist visitors, making navigation seamless and enjoyable.

minimalistic design clothing - model posing
ux header of case layout

Explore photography
at its finest Level

Dynamic gallery

Within the image gallery, the dynamic UI element transforms into a quick and easy-to-use zoom tool, allowing visitors to closely inspect the finest details of the photography without any distractions. Visitors can also adjust the background color, choosing from multiple contrast settings for an enhanced viewing experience, ensuring the photography remains the focal point.

oona moody case header
case 01
case 02
Mobile header interface of case
mood 1

The photographer
becomes the subject

Otto’s story

To bring Otto’s biography to life, we reversed roles and had him step in front of the camera, capturing colorful atmospheric silhouettes for each chapter. This approach gives visitors a personal glimpse of Otto and highlights the visual approach at the heart of his work.

ux about page
ux about page
mood 2

Digital Craft

From the client

From the moment Exo Ape designed my photography website in 2018, I knew they were true masters of their craft. Their blend of ambition, expertise, and taste is unmatched. Over the years, their work has won multiple awards—proof of their excellence. For my 2025 website, they’ve once again delivered a bold, forward-thinking concept. Their streamlined process and eye for brand identity make them an exceptional team to work with.

avatar otto van den toorn
Otto van den Toorn
mobile 03
gallery interface mobile
mood 3

Navigate with ease,
explore with precision


On mobile, the dynamic UI element takes center stage, offering a fluid, app-inspired experience. Recognizable gestures like ‘tap for next,’ commonly used on social media, ensure the journey feels intuitive, simple, and immersive.

A lady is standing at the window, gazing outside.

& Recognitions


Frontier Health Innovation